Improve Employee Health by Using Plants in In-Plant Offices

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It’s easy to take your surroundings for granted. For instance, if you work at an in-plant office, you may assume utilitarian living is the only choice you have. However, upgrading your workspace with plants leads to:

  • Better office living, including improved indoor air quality
  • Happier, healthier, and more productive employees
  • More sustainable buildings & lower utility bills

Better Office Living for Employees

Using plants in in-plant offices has an amazing effect on our mood and health even at the most subtle level. Even the most basic in-plant offices feel less oppressive and more relaxed with some smartly purchased and placed plants.

Plants have a strong psychological impact. Bringing a little piece of the outdoors into an industrial setting can reduce stress and deter loneliness or depression. By taking care of something, people feel useful and valuable in their day to day lives and happier employees are more productive workers.

Better Indoor Air Quality in Industrial Settings

Enclosed work areas—especially industrial buildings like in-plant offices—are more likely to have poor air quality. Over an extended period of time, this environment can lead to health problems. A recent study illustrated in Kamal Meattle’s TED talk showed in-plant offices can reduce the chance of these health problems by placing these plants around the office:

  • Areca Palm
  • Mother-in-law’s Tongue
  • Money Plant

With the right worker-to-plant ratio, these plants lead to less eye irritation, respiratory problems like asthma, and headaches among in-plant office employees. This helps businesses retain more healthy and productive employees.

Sustainable Buildings = Affordable Buildings

When plants help support your in-plant office’s clean air supply, the building uses less energy pumping it in. Adding to your office’s sustainability means greener living and lower utility bills.

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