Porta-King Control Rooms Provide a Safe Work Environment Protected From the Elements
Our prefabricated control rooms support operators and the remotely located equipment they depend on, no matter the industry. Our products feature:
- Factory assembled, prefabricated designs.
- A construction and shipping process that eliminates costly and disruptive on-site labor.
- Custom and portable designs that meet any application requirement and allow for relocation.
- Designs for industries such as mining, wastewater treatment, recycling, lumber, petroleum, product manufacturing, and more.
Building Options that Meet the Unique Needs of Your Facility
At Porta-King, we don’t believe that one size fits all. We offer several building options and materials to meet your industry’s needs, including:
- Maintenance-free anodized aluminum or heavy duty structural steel.
- A variety of interior finish options such as reinforced walls for control equipment installation support and reinforced floor structures to support heavy control equipment.
- Countertops and cabinetry or other casework.
- Electrical service to support control equipment operation (including explosion-proof systems).
- HVAC and fire suppression equipment.
- Ballistic rated walls and floor structure.
- Impact and scratch resistant glazing and/or ballistic rated glazing for enhanced operator protection.
- Pitched walls to improve field of vision and reduce glare.
- Elevated, galvanized platforms and towers to raise control rooms for improved visual perspective.
- Architectural aesthetic enhancements such as faux stone and brick and more.
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Porta-King Stands Out with Superior Construction Quality and Support
With years of experience in prefabricated and modular construction, Porta-King has the materials, support, and expertise to provide your plant with an exceptional product. We offer:
- 50 plus years of experience in design and manufacturing.
- Onsite support from Porta-King company personnel.
- Construction options to address more unique application requirements.
- Outstanding customer support.
If you have questions about our products or the industries we’ve served, please contact us. Our designers will be happy to discuss your particular project with you.