5 Questions to Ask before Designing Your Modular Office

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Modular offices don’t have to be cookie-cutter spaces; they can be dynamic, encouraging work places where your employees and clients feel comfortable. However, before diving into the design process, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

What Should My Modular Office Say about My Company?

Your office is a reflection of your company, and often it forms visitors’ first impressions of your brand. Is your company one big creative brainstorm that relies on an open environment or is it a private, dependable business that values discretion and respect?  Your company’s personal values can be interpreted in your modular office’s design.

What Type of Employee Behavior Should My Modular Office Encourage?

Of course, the main purpose of most modular offices is to give employees an environment to get work done. However, your modular office should also make an employee want to come to work. The way your employees accomplish tasks may vary from other businesses, so the best way to encourage people to come to work is to design their office around their needs.

How Much Space Do I Actually Need?

Office space is no longer determined by a set ratio between square footage and a single employee. As the average workspace abandons cubicles in favor of collaborative areas and as more employees work from home, individual workspace shrinks as communal workspace grows. Rather than choose your modular office’s square footage by the number of employees, consider how much space your employees need based on your business practice and their work habits and attendance.

How Can I Make My Modular Office as Green as Possible?

In addition to being good for the environment and good press, sustainable or “green” buildings are good economically. While initial construction may cost more, your business can save money later. For instance, the most basic way green buildings save money is through lower utility bills. Consider LEED certification as a useful guideline when designing your sustainable modular office.

How Do I Make My Modular Office Flexible?

Businesses must be adaptable in order to survive in this fast paced world. Therefore, you should take steps to keep your modular office flexible so you can easily redesign later if you expand, shrink, or generally change your business model. Modular buildings are inherently more flexible than conventionally constructed offices due to their reusable parts.

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